1. Cereali contenenti glutine (grano, farro, grano khorasan, segale, orzo, avena) / cereals containing gluten (wheat, spelled, khorasan wheat, rye, barley, oats).
2. Crostacei / crustaceans. 3. Uova / eggs.
4. Pesce / fish.
5. Arachidi / peanuts.
6. Soia / soy.
7. Latte e prodotti a base di latte (incluso lattosio) / milk and dairy products (including lactose).
8. Frutta a guscio (mandorle, nocciole, noci, noci di acagiù, noci pecan, noci del Brasile, pistacchi, noci macadamia o noci del Queensland) / nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashew nuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts or Queensland nuts).
9. Sedano / celery.
10. Senape / mustard.
11. Semi di sesamo / sesame seeds.
12. Anidride solforosa e solfiti (se in concentrazioni superiori a 10 mg/kg o 10 mg/litro) / sulfur dioxide and sulphites (if in concentrations above 10 mg / kg or 10 mg / liter).
13. Lupini / lupins.
14. Molluschi / mollusks.
* Prodotti surgelati: i piatti contrassegnati con (*) sono preparati con materia prima congelata o surgelata all’origine.
*Frozen products: dishes marked with (*) are prepared with frozen or deep-frozen raw material at the .origin.
** Materie prime / Prodotti abbattuti in loco: prodotti freschi di origine animale sottoposti ad abbattimento rapido di temperatura per garantire la qualità e la sicurezza, come descritto nel Piano HACCP ai sensi del Reg. CE 852/04 e Reg. CE 853/04.
** Raw materials / Products slaughtered on site: fresh products of animal origin subjected to rapid blast chilling to ensure quality and safety, as described in the HACCP Plan pursuant to Reg. CE 852/04 and Reg. CE 853/04.
CE 853/04 .